Welcome to Religious Education at Saint Columba Parish.
The program is made up of a dedicated group of volunteers with a strong focus on service to the church and the community. Our goal is to provide a welcoming environment that will challenge students to learn, experience and develop a strong relationship with Jesus Christ and grow as members of the Christian community.
We pray that this year will be an enriching one as your child(ren) begin to or continue studying our faith.
Registration in the parish is a Pre-requisite to entering the Religious Education Program. Families should call the rectory office 508-755-0408 to register into the parish.
New Students
Once registered into the parish, please register at the Religious Education Office with the following documentation:
Baptismal Certificate and if applicable, record of previous religious education and sacraments received. Children will be placed in a grade corresponding to their grade in school provided that they have successfully completed prior religious education classes or participate in a review program offered at St. Columba.
Program Fee
The program cost is $60 per student, not to exceed $180 per family. There is an additional fee of $20 for students registering for grades 2 & 11 due to additional sacramental expenses. If payment is not possible, please contact the Director of Religious Education or the Pastor. No family is ever turned away!
Celebrating the Sacraments
All Christian education finds its source within the sacramental life of the Church.
First Holy Communion
St. Columba’s First Communion Program is a two-year process beginning in grade one and is celebrated in the second grade. Preparation prior to First Communion includes: one parent meeting; special liturgies; and a retreat day for both parent and child.
First Reconciliation
Reconciliation precedes First Communion and is celebrated at St. Columba in the second grade, usually in the fall.
St. Columba’s Confirmation program is a two-year process beginning in grade 9. Confirmation is celebrated in grade eleven. Students who have not attended a religious education program in grades 1-10 will be required to participate in a review program and/or meet with the Director of Religious Education/Pastor to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the material covered in those grades.
Note: Parochial students must register and attend parish instruction for sacramental years. Gr.2 & Gr. 11.
Classes are scheduled from September to May. Each parish child who does not attend a parochial school or private Catholic school is expected to attend a parish Religious Education program. (gr. 1-10) Students with five or more unexcused absences within the year is expected to attend make-up sessions according to the number of classes missed. For those in sacrament preparation, it may result in a delay of receiving the sacrament. If your child is sick and will not be attending class, please call the Religious Education Office (508)-755-0601
In accordance with the Diocese of Worcester, each child will be given an assessment twice a year. These grade level inventories are done in order to facilitate further growth. It is important to be aware that the child’s faith, love for the Lord, moral living and commitment to the Church is not being assessed. What is being assessed is the child’s grasp of the knowledge that has been taught.as well as an assessment of the program
Gr. 1 & 2 Sunday 8:50a.m.-9:55a.m.
Gr. 9 & 10 Sunday 11:00a.m.-12:00p.m.
Gr. 3 & 4 Monday 3:00p.m.-4:15p.m.
Gr. 7 & 8 Monday 7:00p.m.-8:00p.m.
Gr. 5 & 6 Sunday 8:50a.m. - 9:55a.m..