Wednesday, November 29th at 7:00PM
Making Peace Between Faith and Science: A Catholic Approach
Rather than focusing on the scientific evidence supporting belief in God, Fr. Steve Lundrigan explores how the Catholic approach provides a way to unite religious faith and the belief in the power of science and reason. The program is being held at St. Columba Church, 10 Richards Ave. Paxton, MA. on November 29th at 7pm. Everyone is welcome.
Adoration will be held 6 a.m.-8 p.m., Wednesdays, in the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, 135 Nichols St. All are welcome. Volunteer for an hour a week, an hour a month, or be placed on a substitute list. Contact Anne Roberts 978-632-4075.
ESL CLASSES-WORCESTER: Our Lady of Providence hosts English as a Second Language classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. in two 10-week sessions in the former Marie Anne Center, 236 Lincoln St. Contact Meaghan O’Sadnick at [email protected] for details.
St. Peter Parish, 39 Church Ave., will hold a weekly bible study Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the parish hall. Fr. Michael Lavallee will facilitate these sessions reflecting on the gospel for the coming Sunday and more. CLICK FOR DETAILS.
A pro-life Mass will be celebrated by Father Tony Kazarnowicz at 11 a.m., Thursdays, in the Problem Pregnancy chapel, followed by recitation of the Latin rosary on the sidewalk across the street from Planned Parenthood, 475 Pleasant St. To confirm that Mass is “on” that day, in case of inclement weather or possible changes in Father Tony’s schedule, call or text Julie at 508-320-2965.
Family Prayer Night at St. George Church every Thursday at 6 p.m. In the upper church there is a gathering of people who pray for all families. For information call 508-853-0183. CLICK FOR MORE.